
  Zahra A. Abdalla  is the Founder and President of Somaliweyn Relief Agency, an organization working to improve the lives of Somali families through farming, education, and health.



Impact of the Drought

This year, Somalia faced harsh realities of drought, which has taken a toll on human lives, livestock, and the environment. The drought has led to severe water shortages, affecting the livelihoods and well-being of many families.  Somaliweyn Relief Agency has provided  Emergency Water Supplies>
critical water and supplies to effected families

Somaliweyn Community Event 

     Somaliweyn Relief Agency giving out sewing machines to Empowerment Graduates from the sewing project received new sewing machines, enabling them to start their own businesses and contribute to the local economy.

after two-three years
success stories

After two and half years President of Somaliweyn Relief Agency went back to Somalia and had one-to-one discussion and Held a dinner for All the students Somaliweyn Relief Agency had an impact on. Every Single individuals who attended the Dinner event  was from either our Sewing or Henna program. Please watch this heart-warming video. “If this what it feels to Help 10 individuals within two-three years imagine the Impact this organization can do 10 years a head.” Zahra Abdalla, President of Somaliweyn Relief Agency.